Honouring scholars in Physiology and allied sciences: The PSI way (2022)
The Physiological Society of India (PSI), established on 13th July 1934, is registered under Act XXI of 1860. The society adheres
to the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS). The society is also a member Society of the Federation of Asian
and Oceanian Physiological Sciences (FAOPS), the Federation of Indian Physiological Societies (FIPS) and the newly formed
South Asian Association of Physiologists (SAAP). Initially, the society started its activities in Kolkata and with time became a
pan-India organization of physiologists, biochemists, and allied medical and non-medical scientists. Since its inception, this
well-known organization has been promoting and also trying to disseminate knowledge of physiology and health sciences
to the common people. In the process, PSI introduced the ‘Indian Journal of Physiology and Allied Sciences (IJPAS) in January
1947. For the publication of scientific communications, IJPAS is the second medical journal in the country.