The INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND ALLIED SCIENCES is dedicated to keeping the highest standards of publication ethics and employs all practical safeguards against any publication irregularities. All writers attest that the materials they submit to the INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND ALLIED SCIENCES for publishing as original articles are entirely their own creations and are not, in whole or in part, copies or plagiarised from other publications. The authors declare that they have revealed all real and prospective conflicts of interest, as well as any partial financial gains related to their work. In a similar vein, INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND ALLIED SCIENCES is dedicated to providing objective and impartial peer evaluation of the papers submitted for publication while also preventing any actual or prospective conflicts of interest between editorial and review professionals and the material under examination. The Editor-in-Chief should be informed immediately of any violations of the aforementioned guidelines because he or she is unwaveringly committed to finding prompt solutions to any issues of this nature.

In addition to the foregoing, INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND ALLIED SCIENCES offers a forum for free and open debate of the journal's contents. The system is set up to require registration and tracking for recording of inputs in order to ensure accountability and to encourage real professional suggestions without incivilities. While certain website content will be accessible without logging in, no peer review comments can be submitted without first providing the journal editors with the reviewer's identification. An key model for our journal is the publication of an article in a journal that has undergone peer review. For all parties engaged in publishing—the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer, and the publisher—standards of expected ethical behaviour must be established.

Editors' obligations and publishing choices

Which of the articles submitted to the IJPAS shall be published is up to the editor of the journal.

The editorial board's policies and any applicable laws at the time governing libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism may serve as the editor's guide and limit respectively. When making this choice, the editor may consult with other editors or reviewers.

Play is fair

Without regard to the writers' race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, or political philosophies, an editor may at any moment examine manuscripts for their intellectual substance.


The corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, where applicable, are the only people who should know anything about a manuscript that has been submitted.

Reviews' obligations

Participation in Editorial Process

Peer review aids the editor in editing judgments and may also help the author improve the article through editorial communications with the author.


Any chosen referee who believes they are ill-equipped to evaluate the research presented in a manuscript or who is aware that doing so in a timely manner will be impossible should inform the editor and withdraw from the review process.

Criteria for Objectivity

Reviews ought to be carried out impartially. It is inappropriate to criticise the author personally. Referees should clearly state their positions and provide evidence to back them up.

Source Acknowledgment

Reviewers should point out pertinent published works that the authors have not cited. Any claim that a certain observation, deduction, or argument has already been recorded should be supported by the appropriate citation. Any significant overlap or resemblance between the manuscript under consideration and any other published material of which the reviewer has firsthand knowledge should be brought to the editor's attention.

Interest Conflict and Disclosure

Peer review's privileged knowledge or ideas must be kept secret and not used for one's own benefit. Reviewers shouldn't take into account submissions when they have relationships or links with any of the authors, organisations, or businesses associated with the papers that are competitive, cooperative, or involve other relationships or connections.

Authors' obligations

Reporting requirements

Authors of reports on original research ought to give a truthful summary of the work done and an unbiased analysis of its relevance. The paper should appropriately depict the underlying data. A paper should have enough information and citations to let someone else duplicate the work. False or deliberately inaccurate statements are inappropriate and represent unethical behaviour.

Data Retention and AccessWhen submitting a paper for editorial review, authors are asked to submit the raw data related to that paper. If possible, authors should be willing to make those raw data accessible to the public and, in any case, should be willing to keep those raw data on hand for a reasonable amount of time after publication (consistent with the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases).

Plagiarism and Originality

The authors should make sure that their writing is wholly unique and that, if they do utilise someone else's words or work, they have properly cited or quoted them. The journal has a zero-tolerance policy regarding copied content.

Concurrent, Multiple, or Redundant Publication

Generally speaking, an author shouldn't submit articles detailing essentially the same study to more than one journal or primary publication. It is unacceptable to simultaneously submit the same paper to multiple journals, which is considered unethical publishing behaviour.

Source Acknowledgment

Always give due credit to other people's contributions. Citations for works that had a significant impact on understanding the nature of the reported work are required.

Who wrote the paper?

Only individuals who significantly contributed to the conception, design, implementation, or interpretation of the reported study should be given the privilege of authorship. Co-authors should be named for everyone who contributed significantly. Other people who have contributed to the research endeavour in meaningful ways should be recognised or identified as contributors when applicable.

The corresponding author is responsible for making sure that the manuscript has all necessary co-authors, none of whom should be, and that all co-authors have seen, approved, and agreed to the paper's submission for publication.

Interest Conflicts and Disclosure

Any financial or other significant conflict of interest that could be taken to have an impact on the findings or interpretation of a manuscript should be disclosed by all authors in the publication. Disclosure of all funding sources for the project is required.

Basic mistakes in published works

It is the responsibility of the author to contact the publisher or journal editor as soon as a serious error or inaccuracy in the author's own published work is found, and to work with the editor to retract or fix the manuscript.