A The influence of different phases of menstrual cycle on autonomic reactivity to a cognitive and emotional stressor- A cross sectional study

Menstrual cycle influencing emotion and cognition


  • Nirmala S. Anand a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:58:"Department of Physiology, JNMC, KAHER, Belagavi, Karnataka";}
  • Suri Ridhi JNMC, KAHER, Belagavi, Karnataka




Blood Pressure, Cognition, Emotional Stroop


To Study The Impact Of Different Phases Of Menstrual Cycle On Certain Select Parameters Affecting Autonomic Reactivity And Cognitive And Emotional Status

Materials & Methods-62 Eumenorrheic Females Aged 18-20 Years Were Recruited After Obtaining Ethical Clearance. Cognitive And Emotional Stressors In The Form Of  Pasat And Emotional Stroop Test And Were Conducted On 10th(Follicular) And 20th(Luteal) Day Of Menstrual Cycle After Phase Determination Using Basal Body Temperature And Prism Calendar.Hr, Sbp And Dbp Were Measured At Baseline And Following Stressors . 

Statistical Analysis- Was Done Using Spss Version 20.Student Paired T Test Was Used To Compare The Results Between The Two Phases. P<0.05 Was Considered As Statistically Significant.

Results-Baseline : Hr,Sbp And Dbp Were More In The Luteal Phase As Compared To The Follicular Phase.

Pasat: Hr Recovery Was (3mins30secs)Follicular And (4mins10secs)Luteal Phase, Sbp Recovery Was (2mins20secs)Follicular And (2mins50secs)Luteal Phase, Dbp Recovery Was (1min40secs) Follicular And (2mins10secs)Luteal Phase
Emotional Stroop Test: Positive Word Latency (1256.437ms)Follicular And (1034.54ms)Luteal Phase. Negative Word Latency (1145.786ms)Follicular And (1335.304ms )Luteal Phase.

 Conclusion: The  Luteal Phase Was Characterised With Greater Sns Reactivity And Hence Cognitive And Emotional Stressors Gathered More Sympathetic Activity And Finally A Definite Interaction Was Sought Between The Gonadal Hormones, Ans And Higher Cognitive Centres Of A Female.


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How to Cite

Anand, N. S., & Ridhi, S. (2022). A The influence of different phases of menstrual cycle on autonomic reactivity to a cognitive and emotional stressor- A cross sectional study: Menstrual cycle influencing emotion and cognition. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND ALLIED SCIENCES, 73(1). https://doi.org/10.55184/ijpas.v73i1.25