Osteoporosis: A Silent Life Threatening Disease Osteoporosis: A Silent Life Threatening Disease

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Krishna Roy


Osteoporosis is a pervasive multi-factorial chronic disorder, characterized by low bone mineral density and increased risk for bone fragility, with a claim for long term management procedure. Osteoporosis as a disease in general is a major threat due to our changed life style and aging demographic. It may be viewed as a heterogeneous condition which may occur due to various genetic, nutritional, mechanical, endocrine and other life style factors. Although post- menopausal women are the most vulnerable victims, aged men population cannot escape themselves from this disease, as can be diagnosed by Bone Mineral Density (BMD) test. This review work will give an insight about how the disease can be controlled by change in life style along with usage of some selected pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements. Hence assessment of the prevalence and awareness of the risk factors associated with the disease may provide the basis of management and future health plans to combat it.

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Roy, K. (2022). Osteoporosis: A Silent Life Threatening Disease: Osteoporosis: A Silent Life Threatening Disease. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND ALLIED SCIENCES, 73(1). https://doi.org/10.55184/ijpas.v73i1.23
Research Article


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