Prevalence of Silicosis and Respiratory Impairment among the Miners of Rajasthan State – A Pilot Study Report


  • DEBASIS CHATTERJEE Assistant Director, National Institute of Miners’ Health, Bungalow No. 30, Krishna Rajendra Road, Marikuppam Post, Kolar Gold Field – 563 119, Karnataka, India




The Greeks first reported prevalence of silicosis among miners exposed to hazardous silica dust in different mines. In the present study 2203 miners working in different mines of Rajasthan state in Western India underwent health status evaluation on anterior posterior chest X-ray as per ILO guidelines and pulmonary function test. Chest X-ray radiograph of 154 miners revealed that they were suffering from silicosis, silico-tuberculosis and pulmonary tuberculosis. Results of pulmonary function test of 379 miners showed that they were suffering from restrictive, obstructive or combined impairment. The rest of the miners had normal chest radiograph X-ray and pulmonary function test.



How to Cite

CHATTERJEE, D. (2023). Prevalence of Silicosis and Respiratory Impairment among the Miners of Rajasthan State – A Pilot Study Report. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND ALLIED SCIENCES, 70(04), 156–162. Retrieved from